Monday, February 3, 2014


Rehearsal was, unfortunately, cancelled today due to snow. However, that did not stop my mentor and I from completing the playbill! The advertisements from local businesses, shout-outs to actors, and bios were all set. After I made some final revisions to the cast list, the playbill was ready for printing! Here's a peek at the cover and the cast list (although for the show the playbills will most certainly be "Shrek" green).

Also, the Ogre Ears have finally arrived! Ms. Miller is going to start selling them at the Pier School tomorrow during lunches. Hopefully, we can make some extra money and drum up excitement among non-theater students so they'll want to come see the show!

It was a real setback to not have rehearsal today. That means we have tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday to rehearse, which is probably only three total runs. We have not added costumes, makeup, lighting, or microphones to the equation, either. I have learned from my mentor that when we hit a bump in the road as production managers, the key is to stay optimistic but prepare for the worst. That's why we're planning to extend rehearsal until seven or eight tomorrow and starting to discuss possible "rain dates" for the performances, should a snow storm hit. As long as we don't have any more cancellations this week, however, we should be ready to go for Friday. It's a race to the finish line for SHREK!

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