Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tech Day 3: Lines, Lyrics, and Laughs

Lines, lyrics, and choreography were the focus of this rehearsal. Ms. Miller and I still found time, however, to sneak in a couple of costume fittings. Here is our Fairy Godmother, Olivia, in her costume. We actually put two costumes together - a sparkly blue dress and a blue tulle skirt - to complete this look.

This is Maddie, the Mad Hatter, in her costume. We were lucky to have this outfit donated from another student who had worn it for Halloween!

Rehearsal went really well! Taking a break from costumes and sound allowed the kids to concentrate on their acting and choreography.
With these kids, you've got to expect some backstage shenanigans. Even though they have a long way to go until the show is ready for an audience, the kids still find time for fun!

We've also started to discuss the sound plan - who will have microphones, who will be sharing mics, and when they will need to switch off. With only eight wireless mics, the kids will definitely need to practice detaching their mics and clipping them on to another actor in a short amount of time.

My next task is to start working on the SHREK poster. I will contact the company that created the poster last year for The Wiz and negotiate a deal for this year. Posters are an awesome way to spread the word about the show and bring people in!

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