Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Pizza and Postponement

Major set pieces came into play at yesterday's rehearsal, like Farquaad's "bathtub," pictured below. The backstage crew needs to get adjusted to moving large platforms on and off stage because they only have a few seconds before the scene starts! Once we have a full dress rehearsal, the costumes/makeup will really help bring the story to life.

Here's a clip of Shrek singing his duet with Fiona in the second act. (He's getting used to wearing the ogre cap.)

The Shrek costume is coming together! We're using the green gloves and cap to cover as much of him as possible without paint. Only his face will need to be painted green now!
 Back in the costume room, we tried one of the knight's helmet's on Mrs. Ruscetta to make sure it stayed on her head. It's helpful to try accessories on us adults first before we call the entire ensemble in, just in case they don't work and we have to scrap the idea.

Here's Jessica and Leah, our Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum! We also fitted the Morning Person rats with their costumes. Each was required to bring in a black shirt, leggings, and skirt. We provided them each with a rat tail made out of wool, white gloves, and black or gray rat ears. With so many kids, it was necessary that they all contributed basic black items like a long-sleeved shirt and leggings so that we could just layer other costume pieces on top. This was also a good idea because several students play more than one role and have to change costumes. If they are already wearing a black "base," it will be much easier for them to change costumes quickly. 
Almost everyone is costumed now, except the guards/knights and eight more rats.

The makeup crew set up shop today outside in the hallway. When students were not being used, the makeup artists started trying out some of the looks on them.
 Here, the makeup crew leader is trying out a look on The Frog Prince:
 Since we lost a rehearsal Monday due to snow, we had to extend rehearsal tonight from 6 to 8 o'clock. This required some refreshments, so Ms. Miller ordered pizzas and her, myself, and the assistant directors served the students pizza, pretzels, and bottles of water for dinner. The food was much-appreciated...Everyone was hungry!

Yesterday around 7 p.m., we received word that we had a snow day today. Unfortunately, Ms. Miller, the NPS principal, and the superintendent have made the decision to cancel rehearsal tonight, as well, because the snowy/icy conditions would make it too difficult for us to get the entire cast to the high school. 

Because of the loss of two rehearsals this week, as well as the likely possibility of a snow storm on Sunday, we have made the executive decision to postpone SHREK. The show will be rescheduled for the last weekend in February. This may be a "relief to some and an inconvenience to others," as Ms. Miller put it. We understand that some students have family members flying in from out of state to see the show, and now they will be forced to change their travel plans. On the other hand, the postponement will give us three extra weeks of rehearsal, which may be a blessing in disguise. Considering we have not even run the show from beginning to end without stopping yet, (not to mention costumes, makeup, microphones, or lighting), there is no way that we would be ready to perform on Friday anyway. I hope that this setback will prove to be a benefit for us! I just hope none of the performers or their families will have major conflicts for the last weekend in February!
We are trying to roll with the punches. Like my mentor says, "you have to hope for the best but prepare for the worst." Thankfully, we have a backup plan.

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