Monday, September 23, 2013

Auditions - Day 1!

The first round of auditions was today! About 80 students auditioned for the roles of Fiona, Shrek, Gingy, Lord Farquaad, Donkey, Pinocchio, and more! I arrived at the Pier School at 2:10 and immediately jumped into writing name tags for each child that had signed up to audition. When the bell rang and the students began to gather in the cafeteria, I collected their permission forms, behavioral agreement statements, and $30 entrance fees (to help cover the cost of snacks provided at each rehearsal). I created a spread sheet with every student's name and three columns labeled "permission slip," "behavioral agreement," and "$30" so I could keep track of who handed me what forms. Once I had all the money organized into an envelope and identified which students still needed to complete parts of their audition packet, I organized the audition forms by grade (5-8) and then by alphabetical order to make it easier to pull out a student's form if I should so need. Around 5:15, I shifted my focus to the music room in which the kids were auditioning and performing their scenes (or "sides") for the director, choreographer, head producer, and assistant directors. As I watched each duo of students perform their scene (either Shrek/Fiona, Gingy/Farquaad, or Shrek/Donkey), I made notes next to each name on the list about which role might suit him or her. The "reading" round of auditions finally ended at 6:15, but tomorrow the real test begins - singing auditions!

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